Sunday, 12 September 2010

The story of a wand

There was a tree that shed a branch
That lay there on the ground
Until one day it called out loud
That day the branch was found

The branch it talked and gave a name
And there a story starts
Of how one day a conker tree
Shed a little branch

The rain had come, the wind blew wild
The tree it swayed with might
And dug its roots into the soil
That dark and stormy night

The night seemed never ending
The tree it held its own
But when a branch fell to the ground
It gave a little moan

It thought its days were over
That there would be no light
And so its roots held firm and strong
And danced right through the night

Suddenly the storm it passed
The skies became so clear
And through that night the conker tree
Overcame its fear

The tree looked out with sadness
As the branch lay on the ground
And so it came to be that day
That branch was to be found

The branch was whittled gently
A wand it came to be
But always it remembers
Its connection to the tree

The moral to this story
If there is one at all
Is learn to dance right through the storms
Don't be afraid to fall

And if one day whilst walking
In woods of sparkling gold
A branch calls out, a wand is made
A story may be told.

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